Embodied Nutrition is a space to reconnect with your body.

We are here to help you redefine and expand your relationship to health.

We Focus On

Eating disorder care and disordered eating

Chronic Dieting

Body Image Healing

GI Distress

Emma provides services for youth (16+), young adults, and adults, offering care for individuals of all body sizes and health statuses. Currently, all of Emma’s services are available exclusively online via telehealth.


Learn more about the different forms of support offered at Embodied Nutrition Therapy.

  • Schedule a 15-minute phone or video call to determine if we’re a good fit.

  • During this first appointment, we can explore your needs and goals, review relevant history and labs.

  • Healing is a non-linear process which means that while I cannot offer a set timeline for our work together, I can ensure that we will regularly check in on how your goals in the recovery process are progressing.

    During this time, you will receive evidenced-based nutrition interventions as well as space to explore your relationship with food, movement, and your body.

    • Meal and Snack Support

    • Restaurant Outings

    • Grocery Outings

    • Between Session Food Journal Support

What You Can Expect

A compassionate space to nurture curiosity and gain clarity on your values related to health and how this influences your relationship with food, movement and your body.

Contact Emma & book an appointment.

Please reach out if you would like to learn more about the services offered and if we’d be a good fit.